terça-feira, 27 de setembro de 2022


Here you have it again:  working on the translation of this text by Fabio Flora*, and hoping to be able to take it to a reading soon!

Com todo o respeito, Chefia: bem que o Senhor podia aproveitar o domingo de Páscoa, as famílias reunidas, o clima ensolarado de recomeço e mudança para apertar aquele botão (o reset, fique bem claro) e reiniciar o sistema. Mais ou menos como Vossa Excelência fez quando mandou o dilúvio.

Só que desta vez, Patrão, sem o coxinha do Noé, sem aquela arca ecologicamente incorreta e sem essa de salvar só os casais héteros de cada espécie. Não pega bem. Não agrega valor ao Paraíso. Sugestão: deixe apenas três amebas, para ver se de um ménage nasce coisa melhor que o Homo bolsonaris gentilis – essa criatura que, dizem mas não acredito, foi feita à Sua imagem e semelhança.
Não me entenda mal, Eminência: se peço um replay em slow-motion da maior inundação de todos os tempos – e uma garoa de asteroides junto, só para garantir –, é porque andamos precisando muito de um reboot. Quem sabe com a página outra vez em branco nós, e aí incluo Vossa Senhoria, não escrevamos certo finalmente.
Sem tanta linha torta.

Um mundo sem glúten, sem hora para acordar, sem segundas-feiras, sem celulares nos cinemas, sem livros de autoajuda, sem frases bregas atribuídas a Clarice ou Machado, sem acento grave ou vírgula onde não deve, sem fumantes e bebuns, sem juros, sem tomates superfaturados, sem novelas ruins, sem filmes dublados, sem crise de fígado e dor de cabeça, sem humoristas sem graça, sem reaças, sem filas, sem hora extra e serão, sem guerras, sem canções cafonas para promover a paz, sem bandeirinhas míopes, sem PM de TPM, sem manchetes sensacionalistas, sem bundas de plástico, peitos de plástico, cérebros de plástico, corações de plástico – sem plástico, enfim.

Ah, e o mais importante: sem vergonha de dizer eu te amo durante o expediente. 
Mas com vergonha de levar gaita na cueca, com hora de ninar os filhos, com mais sextas de Carnaval, com celulares que toquem valsa, com mais sonhos e pés de valsa, com poesia nos muros (se eles insistirem em existir), com sujeito e predicado vivendo em concordância, com fumantes viciados em cachimbos da paz, com cerveja amanteigada nos botecos, com juras (de amor), com toda a horta em promoção, com novelas que valem a pena ver de novo, com filmes franceses nas periferias, com riso frouxo mesmo depois de um tropeção, com uma horinha a mais de sono, com o Messi no meu time, com policiais sem pimenta, com jornais bem-humorados.

E não nos esqueçamos, Vossa Magnificência, que isto é fundamental: com violinos ao fundo sempre que disserem eu te amo durante o expediente.
Sem mais por ora, me despeço aqui, ó Pai de Todos, Fura-Bolo e Mata-Piolho, desejando-Lhe uma Páscoa trufada de boas intenções e chocolates (sem glúten, lactose e açúcar, cem por cento cacau; que nem divindade da Sua catiguria pode brincar com o colesterol, o Tinhoso disfarçado de gordurinha). Tchau e bença.

* Texto publicado em 2014 no Pasmatório (http://pasmatorio.blogspot.com/). De lá para cá, permaneceu super atual. (Sem mais comentário...)

With all due respect, dear Chief:  perhaps you dear Lord could take advantage of this Easter Sunday, families gathered round the hearth, the sunny weather of rebirth and change, to press that button (the reset one, make no mistake!) and restart the whole system.  Kind of  like what Your Excellence did when you sent out the diluvium.

Only this time, Boss, let's try a go without that bigot, Noah, without that ecologically incorrect ark and that crap of saving only the hetero couples of each species.  It doesn´t go over very well. It adds no value to Paradise. A  suggestion: leave us just three amoebas, to see if from the ménage we get something better than that Homo bolsonaris gentilis,  that creature that they say - but I don´t  believe them - was made in your image and semblance.

Don't get me wrong, your Eminence: if I ask for a slow-motion replay of the greatest flood of all times - and a shower of asteroids together,  to take no chances - it is because we are in dire  need of a reboot. Who knows, with a blank page once again , we—and I include you, dear Lord, in this—can do a better job at the writing.  Finally. 
Without the crooked lines.  

A world without gluten, without a time to get up, without Mondays, without cell phones ringing at the movies, without self help books or corny phrases attributed to Clarice or Machado, without accent marks and commas where they shouldn't be, without smokers or drunkards, without interest, without overpriced tomatoes, without bad novels, dubbed movies, bad livers and headaches, dumb comedians,  fascists,  long lines, overtime; without wars and corny songs purportedly promoting peace, without myopic flags,  without a military unless demilitarized, without sensationalistic headlines, plastic butts, plastic tits, plastic brains, plastic hearts—with no  plastic, at all.

Ah and most importantly: to be able to say I love you, shamelessly,  during the work shift. But with shame enough to carry cash in our underwear, to have time to put our kids to bed, to have more Carnival Fridays, and cell phones that play waltzes, and more dreams and waltzing feet, and more poetry on the walls (if they don't all crumble), with subjects and predicates in agreement, more smokers hooked on peace pipes and buttery beer at the corner-bars, with oaths (of love) and special offers on all the vegetable gardens, good novels to read and French films showing on the outskirts of town, to always  know how to laugh even after screwing up, and get in an extra hour of sleep, have Messi on our team, police officers without pepper spray and newspapers with a hip sense of humor.

And let us not forget, Your Excellence, another essential:  violins in the background every time one says  I love you during the work shift.

Since  I've gone through the list, for now,  let me take my leave here, oh dear Father of Us All, Milk Spiller and Lice Killer, wishing You an Easter layered with good intentions and chocolates (no gluten, lactose or sugar and 100% pure chocolate; as no one of Your stature can play around with cholesterol, you little sneak)
Bye for now, and  god bless...

sexta-feira, 23 de setembro de 2022

Maria das Nuvens.

Many years ago, while I was living in NYC , I chanced upon a hard-covered copy of an English  translation of Maria Nephele, by Greek poet Odysseus Elytis,  in a Barnes & Noble sales basket.   I grabbed it up,  took it home and, finding it both enigmatic and intriguing, swore to someday do an “update”, reshaping the 'antiphonist' as another   female interlocutor,  of a different generation.  I finally got started on it several years ago, all the while  uneasy about what seemed to me a very bold venture.   I spent hours, days  poring over whatever lit crit I could find on Elytis and on Maria Nephele, yet  his poem, which still enthralls me, seems only partly decipherable.    Writing my own  "Maria das Nuvens" has reaffirmed my feeling  that I  understand its spirit,  although many nuances lie in a cultural and historical terrain in which I am a mere novice.  Since I am not at all convinced that I will find a venue to publish it - my few initial attempts have failed - I have decided to make it available here, through a link posted below, at the end of this excerpt. As usual, it remains a 'work-in-progress'.  And as usual, I welcome comments and suggestions.  

maria das nuvens


In my dream, yes.  In a great sleep which will come sometime,

full of light and warmth and little stone stairsteps.

Embracing, the children will pass in the streets just as in old

Italian movies. From everywhere you’ll hear songs and see

huge women on small balconies watering their flowers.



Who listened?  Who ever listened? Judges, priests,

 gendarmes, which is your country?


Elytis, Maria Nephele.


Maria das Nuvens


i saw it with my own eyes.

the red antelopes came bounding

out into the streets, then stopped.

raising slender necks, they stretched

to catch a scent on the wind, tenderly

pawing the piles of debris. two small

children slipped out of the paint-cracked building,

took hiding behind an old station wagon,

in blue metallic sheaves of rust. two pairs of

dark eyes opened in awe. they had learned

to be silent.  i found a scrap of paper,

wrote everything down.




when we first met i warned you

of the perils of the world, of

what it was like to come

back from the fields strewn with stubs

of trees and limbs. how the wind

pummelled the coastal night after

the last burst of light tapered into

a strange starless blackness.

you stand there, in your

futile efforts to look the facts

in the brutal pupil of their eyes, you,

a stubborn girl, wedded to the need

to search for beauty even

where so little may be left. 


animals move by a scent on the wind, while

life and death hover, human constructs.


we ignore what we choose to: what

nobody knows, everyone knows.



Maria das Nuvens

i was compelled to keep searching.

there was a spot on the beach where

two strangers pressed lips to lips. we

too indulged in gentle danger. far now

from the village but still a sense of doom

stuck to us, like tatters clinging to

 war- hardened bodies. broken shells

gouged the soles of my bare feet. the

seagulls around me were tame, came






days step in slowly

one after another

as if offering a bit more time

to chart some new course,

as humanity bobs up and down

in the waters it has sullied -

the rubble, the entrails, the pieces

of plastic and fragments of metal,

and the wounded creatures of

the sea...

(if you'd like to read the rest, kindly follow this link:



Se você não resistisse A luz de maio quiçá cantasse de outra maneira. Nos campos de batalha a primavera perdura E há sangue por toda parte. ...