He loves a devastated land
the warring tribes have stilled
but the uprooted fields, the children
with open hands and limp hair
cows gone to bone, still swaggering on their feet,
an utter impossibility to reconstruct –
it is not like the way his kinsmen repopulate,
not like the way age comes to green mountainsides
in the Pyrenees, where balding hikers set down to
an evening meal they have chosen to make meager, the dry wine,
the goat cheese, so carefully selected
perhaps a bit closer it is, to we who have chosen love
in its strangest formulae-
the broken-winged sparrows, our children’s freedom,
happiness or toil in the hardest tongues or feats.
("bringing words together") poesia, crônica, fotografia, tradução//poetry, stories, photography, translation ///// /// ©miriamadelman2020 Unauthorized reproduction of material from this blog is expressly prohibited
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