domingo, 21 de outubro de 2018


i would wish you luck if i could.
if desire were not in the picture,
in  the wind.  if talk were cheap.
if the pools of water  reflected
 nothing. thick veil it is that
 pulls the rain over the
 city, this one that you once
dreamed of,  this one in which
i almost drowned. so thanks be there 
to some unbroken goddess that
 we still got our day of sunshine, the
silver respite of the road,  our chariot
of galloping ponies fit neither for  tropics
nor  northern woodlands.  as we lay
in the clearing i thought for a moment
we might find some  berries, share
the  red juice dribble over drying leaves,
a return amid the thick  amber
dust,   taking perhaps the longest
path homeward.  now it is
this water that sends me out
again into the thickness,  hands
and breath moving counter to despair
seeking short  or connected acts of
survival, and there is no lifeboat you can
take to reach me,  here on the brink of
this sea that is our mother, her daughters
  rising higher than the tide

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Se você não resistisse A luz de maio quiçá cantasse de outra maneira. Nos campos de batalha a primavera perdura E há sangue por toda parte. ...