Ok, so
maybe eavesdropping is a capital sin, but
who told this guy to force me to hear his private conversation while I was minding my own business in the
lobby of the Forum des Images at Les Halles? Of course, I had some good reasons for listening, like improving my
French or not wasting this fortuitous opportunity for cultural knowledge, you
know, hearing some middle-aged rather
intellectual French type talking to an ex-girl friend. And after all, these things can always turn
out to be, well, antológicas. Oops. Ontological.
But I have to admit that what really drew my attention was the fact that
this lovely specimen reminded quite a bit of someone I had had the unfortunate
opportunity to meet at the wrong moment in an earlier life... or maybe a hybrid
of two of more or less the same sort.
Anyway, for my literary purposes here, I baptize him and he becomes Gérard.
Or maybe Piotr, just because I can´t be 100% sure that this guy was really a
Frenchman. What I do know, on the other
hand, is that Nuria, who was on the other end of the line, was definitely not
French. Because Piotr kept asking her,
in French, if she was getting it, and then throwing in heavily -accented
English phrases (the accent did sound a
bit Eastern European to me, but by this time, just trying to keep up with the
conversation on both ends required all my attention and imagination...) just to
make sure she got him straight. Oh, by
the way, I know her name was Nuria because he called her that once, , but only
after accidentally calling her Natalya, whom I had already learned was his
current live -in girlfriend from South Africa. He was really rubbing that one in on poor
Nuria! Oh, the tension in the lobby was on the rise, with Piotr
pacing back and forth and snorting impatiently so that I had to completely give
up on looking at Cristian Poveda's photos
of Mara gang members from El Salvador (and that eventually cost Cristian his life) and
just sit there and soak the whole scenario up.
After a whole week of compulsory reflections on global patriarchy and
the sad truth in the good ole Brazilian expression, Só mudam
de endereço, I most certainly had
some smug knew-it-all-along grin on my
face. Wait, on second thought, I may just have discovered a difference - that is, on that ' they just live in different houses ' bit - and maybe you can decide how crucial: you see, I can´t quite conjure the person or persons
that this guy reminded of huffing and puffing and snorting around the room;
more likely, they would be sitting back, smirking and proud of themselves, surveying the spoils strewn over the landscape of past conquistas.
Maybe even throwing in a sly, seductive remark here and there to make poor
Nuria think that they might eventually tire of Natalya so why not just keep up
a little spark of hope alive, Nuria? But
Piotr, on the other hand, was just irritated and stressed, as he informed Nuria that
she was welcome to stay at his place if she passed through Paris on her
impending trip, but of course, he was living with Natalya and she would just
have to, well, sleep on the couch.
("bringing words together") poesia, crônica, fotografia, tradução//poetry, stories, photography, translation ///// /// ©miriamadelman2020 Unauthorized reproduction of material from this blog is expressly prohibited
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